QueensHack is the first student-run hackathon in Queens, NY, led by a group of dedicated high school and college students striving to promote an interest in computer science. Over the course of 24-hours, participants will create awesome projects and showcase their creativity. Beginners and experts alike will have the opportunity to work together to improve their skills and impress the judges, culminating in an awards ceremony. Join us for a weekend of skill building, teamwork, and fun!

Ever had the itch to create something that would leave everyone in awe? Whether you want to create the next Facebook or boot up your very own J.A.R.V.I.S., hackathons are the best place to start. You’ll have access to beginner-friendly workshops in the beginning, and mentors throughout the event so even if you do get stuck at some line of code, we’ll help you get back up and running ASAP so you can make your dream apps come to reality. If you get tired from coding, we’ll have side events and food refuels to keep you active and entertained. Or if you want to brag to your friends about attending QueensHack, we’ll give out free swag (t-shirts, stickers etc.) Basically, it will be a great learning experience for you and you will be sharing it with friends, both new and old. Oh, and did we mention free food? 🙂


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