NYC Domains Launch and Gross $749,542 – City Earns $299,817

It's been an exciting few weeks and as the .NYC Landrush Auctions concluded earlier today and the digital dust settled it the auctions had raised $749,542 with Neustar and the City of New York splitting the spoils 60:40 respectively. The total number of domains sold at auction was 1,011. The two steps of the Landrush Period as outlined in the NYC launch schedule were: August 4th to October 3rd 2014: Depending on registrar, registrants had to pay $70-100 for the Landrush application and keep their fingers crossed that no one else applied for the same domain during this period. If no second applicant the domain was theirs on October 3rd 2014 If a second person applied for the same domain, an auction would be conducted during one of three rounds depending on the first letter of the domain name: A – I: October 23 – 27, 2014 J – R: October 28 – 31, 2014 S – Z: November 3 – 6, 2014 "General Availability" (where anyone who attempted to register an avai…
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