NYC Business Domain Registrations – March Review

This is the third in a series of monthly articles highlighting patterns in NYC business domain registrations in March. Each month I scan lists of recently registered .NYC domain names and after removing the hard-to-make-sense-of domains I'm left of a group I call the notables. Any premium purchases (registration prices above the standard $20-30) are highlighted and all the domains are placed loosely into categories. Keep in mind that many of the domains could go into different categories and would therefore change the %, but I made decisions quickly on where to drop the domain and this month, I even consolidated groups (geo / address / real estate / construction). So here goes. March 2018 NYC Business Domain Registrations Total .nyc domain registrations added: 848 buThis is one more domain compared with February's tally of 847 although March did have a few more days. View the full list of March 2018 NYC domain registrations here. The 44%:56% (org:indiv) ratio …
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