NYC Tech Domains Auction Results

Following the Fashion themed NYC Premium Domain Auctions and the Real Estate themed Premium Domain Auctions, were the Tech related domain auctions which concluded today. At the end of the auctions it was a similar story the other auctions but without two domains selling in the 5 figures. This time was at the top spot with bidding reaching $8,638. One reason for the apparent lack of excitement for these domains (with many selling at $500) is the fact that technology is more global than local so it may make sense that new startups, app builders, and even tech investors may shy away from building on the .NYC for tech-related projects where they expect to interact and market more globally. Take a look at the results below and leave a comment if you're feeling chatty!   Domain Name Price Sale Type Sale Venue Date Registered $1,750 Neustar Auction: Tech (#3) Snap Names May 18, 2017 $2,059 Neustar Auctio…
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