The mission of Car Free Day NYC is to encourage New York City drivers to choose alternative means of moving about NYC on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2016. Car Free Day NYC is an idea that we hope will spark a movement. It addresses critical issues facing our city, our country and our world that stem in part from having too many cars on our city’s streets. From sustainability and environmental justice to land use and urban planning as well as public health and street safety, our overuse of cars has caused numerous urban problems that have mounting social and economic costs. Car Free Day NYC is about encouraging people to make more thoughtful decisions in their daily lives, particularly related to transportation. We are proposing to have Earth Day be a day where we drastically limit the number of cars on New York City streets, by encouraging residents and commuters to choose one of the many other forms of transportation that New York offers for one day of the year. We are just a small skateboard producer but our boards are demanded by the most recognizable names


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