Age-friendly Neighborhoods
createrealchangeThe Age-friendly Neighborhood Initiative is an opportunity to build upon the rich experiences of older adults and leverage the strengths of local neighborhoods that make each New York City community unique.
Funded by the New York City Council, the Age-friendly Neighborhood Initiative engages older adults and local stakeholders to implement solutions that leverage community assets to maximize the social and economic participation of older New Yorkers.
we listen. We ask older adults about their daily lives and amplify their voice, as they are experts on their own lives, to understand a neighborhood’s history and culture.
we partner. We work alongside council members, local stakeholders and older residents to catalyze change from the ground up.
we act. We design and implement neighborhood-specific action plans to address what we’ve heard.
we publicize. We promote outcomes and accomplishments to spread age-friendly best practices in neighborhoods and city-wide.
Who We Are
Age-friendly NYC
Age-friendly NYC is a one-of-a-kind partnership between the Mayor’s Office, the New York City Council and the New York Academy of Medicine with the goal of making each neighborhood in the city more welcoming to older adults to ensure they can remain engaged and active in the city. We do this through city-wide policy work and working directly with communities. The partnership is committed to making New York City age-friendly.
Since its establishment in 2007, Age-Friendly NYC has been instrumental in making New York City a model for other cities looking to make their communities better places for seniors. It’s an innovative approach that works from the ground up, bringing together seniors, policymakers and local business leaders to help craft policies tailored to meet the unique needs of older adults in their communities. To learn more about this exciting initiative, please visit
Age-friendly NYC is an internationally acclaimed model and was recognized as the Best Age-friendly City in the World in 2013 by the International Federation on Aging (IFA). Age-friendly NYC is a part of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Network of Age-Friendly cities, a network of more than 100 cities around the world.
The New York Academy of Medicine
An independent organization since 1847, the New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM) addresses the health challenges facing the world’s urban populations through interdisciplinary approaches to policy leadership, innovative research, evaluation, education and community engagement. Drawing on the expertise of diverse partners worldwide and more than 2,000 elected Fellows from across the professions, our current priorities are to create environments in cities that support healthy aging; to strengthen systems that prevent disease and promote the public’s health; and to eliminate health disparities. NYAM is the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Collaborating Center on Aging, Globalization and Urbanization. NYAM has provided technical assistance to over 50 cities around the world on how to build and scale their age-friendly programs.