About Ryan’s Daughter
When first opened in 1979, Ryan’s Daughter announced herself as a “New Pub on an Old Spot”. There had been a bar at 350 East 85th Street since the Prohibition Era. During that time, it operated not so much as a speakeasy or gin-joint, but a local club. Official licensing came in the late 1930’s, as the “Old Stream.” This German-owned watering hole catered to the residents of Yorkville until the mid 1970’s. Then, in 1974, the Irish moved in. The “Old Stream” became the “Minstrel Boy,” founded by an Irish-born, retired NYPD officer. The handle changed, but the regulars still sat in their same stools and kept up their old traditions. The tight-knit, community bar, continued on much the same as it had been. Then, in 1979, Ryan’s Daughter was born. The new owners gave her a major facelift as well as a second bar on the upper floor. She turned a few heads, as the 1980’s brought new faces to old places on the Upper East Side. The crowd came in and rubbed shoulders with the old-timers. Ryan’s Daughter charmed many of them with her friendliness to all. And so they stayed on, becoming familiar faces themselves. They had found a home here next to those whose barstools had become a birthright.

Today, almost four decades later, she still stands in the heart of historic Yorkville. Ryan’s Daughter is a proud member of this ever-changing community. All grown up, she has held on to the charms of her younger days and picked up a bit of wisdom. Even a new face will feel at home when given the good service that long-time regulars have come to expect. In this way, Ryan’s Daughter serves as a connection back to the tavern culture of bygone days. Come join us.


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