Eras of the NYC domainspace

While researching February NYC domain registrations for the monthly review, the number of people registering multiple variations of a domain name caught my eye and made me think that we're entering a new era and that the NYC domainspace is maturing. If we're to separate the growth of the .NYC TLD I'd say we're entering "early maturity". We've left the "birth" and "infancy" eras. Post-It Note chronology         Also there are a few more themed auctions to come: Below is a more organized description of the chronology along with some thoughts on .NYC's evolution. Era: Birth [May 5, 2014 to Nov 6, 2014] Sunrise Periods: (1) Trademark holders [May 5 to June 20, 2014] and Founders Program [applications May 5 to June 13, 2014 - decisions by July 15, 2014], (2) City Affiliates [June 25 to July 31, 2014]. Landrush [Aug 4 to Oct 3, 2014] (pre-general availabil…
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