NYC Travel Domain Auction – Opens May 3, 2018

Following on from the success of the real estate, fashion and technology themed NYC domain auctions, Neustar and the City of New York are preparing to roll out the premium NYC travel domain auction in their fourth themed auction on on May 3rd. “I can think of no more fitting tribute to kick off the summer travel season than with these travel-related web addresses,” said Nicolai Bezsonoff, General Manager, Registry Solutions, Neustar. “Reaching those in-market travelers with a unique domain that signals they’ve reached a legitimate travel business based in New York will go a long way to engender the kind of brand trust that will keep customers coming back again, and again.” Businesses, organizations and people who live and work in five boroughs of New York City are all able to participate in the NYC travel domain auction. The auctions open at 1pm EST on May 3rd and the auction concludes at 1pm on May 10th, 2018. Bids in the final stages of the auction may extend the auc…
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